Water Distribution System Upgrades
SGS served as the Design-Builder for Upgrading the Water Distribution System at the Wichita and Affiliated Tribe’s Office Complex. The additional Water Distribution System was constructed to eliminate fluctuations in water pressure at the Complex. Sizing of the standpipe and distribution system was determined by records obtained from the City of Anadarko during initial water usage studies. The Wichita Tribal Complex now receives water from the City of Anadarko via an 8-inch water main. The scope of work included:
100,000 Gallon Standpipe (110 feet tall and 14 feet in diameter)
8” Water Line Loop Around the Tribal Complex
46 Additional Parking Spaces with Curb & Gutter
25,000 SF of Sod
Painting the Tribal Seal on the Standpipe
The stored water is supplied by gravity feed from the standpipe to maintain constant pressures for domestic water use. The Standpipe blend into the natural environment with minimal impact to the historical tribal land. The upgraded and additional parking provide a safe walking surface for the elderly and disabled tribal members as they walk from their vehicles to the Complex.
Anadarko, Oklahoma
100,000 Gallon Standpipe
Wichita & Affiliated Tribes
of Oklahoma
Civil / Industrial
Native American